Masterplan, agronomy and water at Salobre
Consultancy, Engineering, Golf project management | 30 November, 2022
Masterplan, agronomy and water at Salobre

In its constant search for excellence, Salobre Golf Resort is currently working on a master plan developed by the renowned designer Mr. David Williams, in which Surtec participates as technical support assisting the property, while developing a comprehensive agronomic planning and a global project of efficiency and optimization in water management.

Moving forward at Quinta Do Lago
Engineering, Irrigation, Pump efficiency program | 14 November, 2022
Moving forward at Quinta Do Lago

During November and December 2.022, the renovation works of the pump station “D” of the North course have been carried out, for which SURTEC has provided the design. These works are part of a strategic plan to renovate and improve the four existing pump stations in the resort, which is being implemented it in a phased manner since 2.021.

Greens audit at Neguri
Consultancy, Golf course maintenance | 25 October, 2022
Greens audit at Neguri

Given the climatic variability that a golf course faces during the year, it is vital to have a healthy and vigorous turfgrass cover that develops in optimal conditions, so that it can thrive without problems throughout the whole year. In this context, the Real Sociedad de Golf de Neguri commissioned Surtec the development of a technical audit of its greens.

Seve, irrigation and sustainability
Certified irrigation audit, Irrigation | 24 October, 2022
Seve, irrigation and sustainability

Seve’s 9-hole course in Real Golf de Pedreña, to only irrigate tees and green complexes, aiming to minimize the area under irrigation. 30 years later, this is a tendency in golf course irrigation that improves sustainability and water conservation, making it be ahead of its time. Today, it is an honour to support the Club in the process of updating their irrigation system using up-to-date and efficient technologies.

Lakes renovation at RCG La Moraleja 2
Engineering, Project documentation | 20 September, 2022
Lakes renovation at RCG La Moraleja 2

During last summer, we had the honour of being selected by the Real Club de Golf La Moraleja to provide specialized engineering services and define the necessary works for the modernization of the lakes at La Moraleja 2. These works are part of a global renovation project to improve the sustainability of the club’s facilities. Its completion will result in lakes with up-to-date construction standards that will allow to significantly improve the storage capacity and to improve both water conservation and quality.

Great progress being made on the grow-in at the additional 9 holes of New Sierra Golf
Engineering, Works supervision | 15 August, 2022
Great progress being made on the grow-in at the additional 9 holes of New Sierra Golf

Grow-in is underway at New Sierra Golf. Greens were seeded with Agrostis stolonífera var. T1 and now are almost fully established. The rest of the playing areas, were sprigged down with bermuda Tifway 419 and show adequate lateral growth and appear to advance in full swing and maturing well.

Forging bonds with the Colombian golf industry
Consultancy, Golf course maintenance, Irrigation | 5 August, 2022
Forging bonds with the Colombian golf industry

We could not be happier to have returned to Colombia to conduct the course “water movement through soil in golf courses”, organized by the Colombian Golf Federation and held in the renown Carmel Country Club de Bogotá. The course was a complete success with a large turnout and it has meant a unique and incomparable experience to us.

A step forward in efficient irrigation at Real Club de Golf Las Brisas
Certified irrigation audit | 20 June, 2022
A step forward in efficient irrigation at Real Club de Golf Las Brisas

Last June we visited one of the leading golf courses at the Costa del Sol, the Real Club de Golf Las Brisas, to perform a comprehensive irrigation audit. The visit was carried out during the course maintenance week to not disturb the members while playing. Now it is time to work on an action plan that will be mainly focused on improvements in the pump station.

The design stage of the lakes’ hydraulic infrastructure project for Mijas Golf has been completed.
Engineering, Project documentation | 23 May, 2022
The design stage of the lakes’ hydraulic infrastructure project for Mijas Golf has been completed.

Due to frequent torrential rainfall events in this part of the world, and the inability of the existing infrastructure to drain and evacuate water effectively, Mijas Golf entrusted us the job to undertake a project for the renovation the lakes’ hydraulic infrastructure to improve the golf course resilience against flooding.

Accomplished goals & future challenges
Consultancy, Golf course maintenance, Golf course renovation | 29 September, 2021
Accomplished goals & future challenges

We participate in the members Annual General Meeting at El Paraíso Golf Club, to explain them our vision and the rationale behind current decisions that are made, and future to be made, regarding golf agronomy and golf course renovations.
