We are back in Spain after conducting the course “water movement through soil in golf courses”. The course was organized by the Colombian Golf Federation for the greenkeepers that work in the country. It was held during July the 25th and 26th in the renown Carmel Country Club de Bogotá, and we are very delighted with the large turnout and the great interest and motivation shown by the attendees. The atmosphere was incredible and included many and very interesting debates. It also encouraged networking between us all.


Soil science and water management: the foundation of golf agronomy

The course aimed to explain how water moves through the soil profile: how it infiltrates, accumulates, and moves both vertically and horizontally. We covered areas such as the occurrence of black layer and hydrophobicity too. And went through topics such as turf irrigation needs, irrigation programming and daily irrigation management (including the use of surfactants and soil amendments).

In addition, the theoretical sessions were followed by tests, such as the Mason test to determine soil texture, and on-site experiments, such as an infiltration test using a double-ring infiltrometer. They were also followed by practical exercises, like the calcultation of a leaching fraction. There was one experiment that stood out from the rest: we recreated an USGA green soil profile to evaluate the water movement through soil layers in real time.


An unforgettable experience

We are deeply grateful to the Colombian Golf Federation, and particularly to the Green Section department to have relied on us to conduct the course. Its director, Pablo Andrés Chica, is a great professional and incredibly committed to the promotion of education and training for greenkeepers. He also works towards the professionalization of the Greenkeeping sector in Colombia. A both necessary and commendable task. He has been an excellent host and honoured the Colombian message to the world “welcome to the most welcoming country of the world”.

We would also like to express our gratitude to Samuli Arias, a new friend to us, for doing the honours and opening us the gates of his golfing home. The facilities of the Carmel Country Club of Bogota were just perfect for an event like this. We had an excellent conference room for the lessons, and we could perform the field experiments in the course. Many thanks Samuli and Carmel Country Club for your hospitality.

Also, we could not forget to thank Maquiver for sponsoring the course, and particularly its company director, William Gonzalez. His support was vital to make the event possible, and his kindness unvaluable. His dedication and commitment to events like this is indeed a great asset to promote the professionalization of the greenkeeping sector in Colombia.

Not only has this been a professional challenge for us, but also a unique and incomparable experience. The hospitality, the cultural heritage and education of the Colombian people is simply extraordinary. This is why we really look forward to coming back to this beautiful part of the world.

In Surtec, we could not be more committed to education and training. We will always share our knowledge because we believe that it is the road to excellence and self-growth. We would like to say a final thank you to all participants, that we hope to come back soon, and that they can reach us any time. Also, to welcome them to Spain, and let them know that we will try to give them back all the affection that they have given us.